Fortunately, the Ministry of Rites was already very good at hosting people. They only needed to arrange the guests to be comfortable, follow the proper etiquette, and prepare some entertainment programs. But the one who came was the Imperial Master.
The position of the imperial master is very special. He is higher than the civil and military officials and lower than the emperor, but he can sit on an equal footing with the emperor. They have profound cultivation, and if they are unhappy, they can destroy a city. Therefore, it is best to have an imperial master among the people who receive them so that they can compete with them and not dare to look down on their country.
But the people in the Ministry of Rites heard that their country's imperial master was seriously ill and lying in bed, and could not come out to greet the guests. What should they do? "The emperor said that he would send someone else to replace the imperial master to receive the two imperial masters from the neighboring country. I wonder who the emperor will send?"
"Alas, no matter who is sent, as long as the other party is not the national teacher, it will be the same if anyone else comes."
"You Shilang is right. If the two national masters suddenly started fighting, no one would dare to step forward to stop them."
"By the way, isn't the visit of the two state masters from the neighboring country too sudden? They only informed us when they were about to arrive in the imperial capital, making it seem like the emperor made a surprise visit to check whether we had completed our mission, which was really frightening."
"Do you think the two state masters from the neighboring country have heard about our state master's illness and are here to cause trouble?"
"The Imperial Master has only been feeling unwell for a day or two. Even if they received the news, it would be impossible for them to rush to our Imperial Capital in such a short time, right?"
"Tsk, have you forgotten who they are? They are the national masters, the ones who can call the wind and rain. It is no problem for them to travel thousands of miles a day."
The officials standing outside the imperial city gate waiting to welcome the imperial teacher were all silent.
After a long while, someone said, "Prime Minister Wu and the Minister of War are here. Could they be the ones sent by the Emperor to welcome the two state masters from the neighboring country?"
Everyone looked inside the city gate and saw several carriages driving towards them.
The reason we knew who was coming was because there were white lanterns and identity tags with their names on them hanging on the carriage.
The Minister of Rites led his men to greet Prime Minister Wu and his men: "Greetings, Prime Minister."
Prime Minister Wu got off the car and asked, "The two state masters of the neighboring country haven't arrived yet, right?"
Prime Minister Wu was relieved.
The Ministry of Rites whispered in his ear, "Prime Minister, the Emperor said that he would send someone else to replace the Imperial Master to receive the Imperial Master of the neighboring country, but no one has appeared yet."
Prime Minister Wu said, "She's here."
"Here?" The Minister of Rites looked at him: "Could it be you?"
"Of course not." Prime Minister Wu said unhappily, "Even if I am a high-ranking official, I cannot possibly take the place of the Imperial Master to receive the Imperial Master of another country."
"Then you are talking about her..."
Prime Minister Wu looked at the last carriage in the team.
The carriage was very gorgeous, with a body frame made of gold and twice as wide as an ordinary carriage.
The most exaggerated thing is the horse pulling the carriage, its whole body is shining with gold, almost blinding others' eyes.
Then, a beautiful girl in a white fairy robe got off the carriage, and many people were stunned. Her sleeves were light and fluttering, and she wore a fist-sized white jade lotus crown on her high ponytail. Her cold face looked even more fairy-like than the imperial teacher, and everyone seemed to see a fairy descending to earth.
The Minister of Rites smacked his lips and said, "Where did you invite this Taoist nun from?"
There would be absolutely no problem using her to fool the state teacher of the neighboring country.
The only prerequisite is that the national master does not use magic power to fight, otherwise he will be exposed immediately.
Prime Minister Wu coughed lightly: "Don't you think she looks familiar?"
The Minister of Rites stared at Mu Nanjin's face again and again: "Yes, he looks familiar, a bit like... a bit like..."
His eyes suddenly widened: "Why does she look so similar to the Emperor's Concubine Mu?"
He had the honor of meeting Concubine Mu in the imperial study.
At that time, she was sitting quietly . Prime Minister Wu chuckled.
"Could it be her?"
"What do you think?"
Prime Minister Wu asked him instead: "Even the Queen Mother dared to provoke her, do you think she would be afraid of another country's imperial master?"
"That's different. She has the Emperor's protection. It's normal that the Queen Mother can't do anything to her for a while. Other imperial masters won't give face to our Emperor. If they want her dead, they can do it silently and it won't be traced back to them at all."
"The Emperor has his reasons for wanting her to come."
The Emperor has already arranged everything, so it's useless for the Minister of Rites to worry about it.
At this time, Mu Nanjin came over.
Prime Minister Wu introduced her to everyone: "Let me introduce her to everyone. She is the disciple of the Imperial Master. Everyone calls her 'Jiao Zhui Zuo Ren Zhenren'."
The corners of the mouths of the civil and military officials twitched when they recognized Mu Nanjin.
People who had never seen Mu Nanjin believed it.
“I’ve seen the real person.”
After Mu Nanjin walked away, an official who didn't know Mu Nanjin whispered, "Does the Imperial Master have an apprentice? How come I have never heard of it?"
"I haven't heard that he has any disciples. Could it be that he was a disciple in the past, but he didn't come to Dongzhao Kingdom?"
"Well, that's possible."
"Can the disciple of the national master stand up to the national masters of other countries?"
"Most apprentices are not as capable as their masters. I don't think it's possible."
[They looked so dejected, like filial sons attending a funeral.]
[If everyone were to wear mourning clothes and scatter a lot of paper money, the scene would be more like that.]
When the civil servants heard this, they were immediately choked by his saliva.
Do they look so much like they are mourning?
Someone whispered, "Who is talking?"
"It seems to be the voice of Lady Mu."
"She's here too? So is it her voice or her inner voice that we hear?"
Now, after so many days, even officials who are not the emperor's followers know that Mu Nanjin will reveal her true feelings, and they also know that she knows many secrets that are unknown to others.
"I think Master Jiaozuo Ren looks a bit like Lady Mu."
"No way?"
"I once accidentally glanced at her when I went to the palace to see the emperor, and I felt that they looked quite similar."
"Do you think the name of Master Jiaozuo Ren is difficult to pronounce?"
"It's mainly because there's a character for 'ren' in front and a person at the end, which makes it sound weird."
While the officials were whispering, Mu Nanjin and Prime Minister Wu had already arrived in front of the team.
Prime Minister Wu lowered his voice and asked in a low voice: "Master Jiao Zuoren, are you sure you can handle them? If not, is it too late to regret now?"
"Sure, too late."
After Mu Nanjin said this simply, the officials felt a strong force pressing down on them. (End of this chapter)