The sudden situation at the moment almost caused Director An, who had been following, to let out a sharp explosion.
Damn it, what sin had he committed! "Quick! Where are the security guards? Come here!"
Big Li froze in place and dared not move. The other guests looked at him nervously. Besides, they all stayed away from the surrounding bushes. Who knows how many snakes are hidden in the bushes? Chu Mu also froze in place, but she was not afraid. After all, she had eaten snake meat before, so she couldn't be that scared!
She just looked at Guan Bin, who was sweating profusely, with a little surprise.
[There are actually such reckless people in this world! I have witnessed this today! ]
【Guan Dacongming! You guys are awesome! Applause! 】
Chu Mu just complained in his heart, then walked calmly to Da Li and quickly took the little green snake down.
She pinched the snake's vital points and calmly put it into the bag that the staff had brought. Then she wiped her hands with some grass leaves and returned to her third brother.
"Mu Mu?" Chu Min looked at Chu Mu in shock.
Such a calm demeanor, such skillful movements, what on earth happened to his sister when he was not at home? !
Chu Mu didn't think there was anything wrong with this at all. Instead, she looked at her third brother in confusion: "What's wrong, third brother?"
[Why are you making such a fuss, Third Brother? It's not like you've never seen a snake before, and you've eaten a lot of snake meat! ]
[Ah! I forgot that when we were eating snake meat at home, my third brother was not at home.]
[Tsk, I'm not really suffering from Alzheimer's, am I? Does this disease come on so quickly?]
[I must go check on my second brother when I get home! ]
Chu Min looked at his sister blankly, then looked at the trapped snake next to him, opened and closed his mouth, and finally took a step back silently and stood behind his sister.
At this moment, my sister's figure seems particularly huge, and I feel very safe.
"Little Sister Mu, aren't you afraid?" Just when Chu Mu was confused as to why everyone was looking at her, Su Min came over and carefully poked her arm with her index finger.
Chu Mu licked his dry lips and said, "Actually, I am a little scared."
Su Min: "Then why are you so brave to catch snakes?"
Chu Mu's eyes rolled around: "Although I am afraid, I am young! Haven't you heard the saying? A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger! I am young, who should I be afraid of! Right!"
When she said this, her eyes were always on Guan Shisong, and she also glanced at Cheng Qi next to her.
Su Min touched her face and stepped back awkwardly. She asked this question unnecessarily.
"Hahahahaha this is so funny, my sister knows how to fight back!"
"No, Chu Mu is sick! Is there anything wrong with what my Song Bao said? Besides, it's not just our Song Bao who refuted her!"
"That's right, Chu Mu is too vindictive! She doesn't even have any good friends in real life! With her personality, who can be friends with her!"
"Ah, um... okay, I'll shut up. There will always be some idiots in life that make me speechless!"
"Are Guan Shisong's fans really that crazy?"
"I'll just treat this as a joke, you guys continue!"
There is no mistake in the poem, post, content, and read the book on 6, 9, and bar!
After Chu Mu finished insulting Guan Shisong, he didn't even look at him again. He turned around and left with his third brother.
He walked in a very elegant manner.
[Fuck! I must be so handsome now! ]
[How many times can a person show off his coolness in his life? When I finish recording, I have to cut out this part separately, burn it into a CD, and put it in the safe! ]
Chu Mu was in a good mood, and his steps became lighter. (End of this chapter)