Su Mu looked at Zhu Jin, who was dressed in black, and thought of the year his wife died. He heard that Zhu Jin had been a vegetarian for a year and only wore black and white clothes to mourn for Helian Lan. He sighed, smiled, and said to Zhu Jin, "We should also tell your mother something happy, so that she can be happy when she hears it."
He had never done mourning. Mourning is not valued nowadays. With the busy pace of life, many people quickly return to work after their loved ones pass away. I heard the word mourning from some historical TV series. In ancient times, children mourned their deceased parents.
He knew that if he passed away one day, Zhu Jin would also observe mourning. He looked at Zhu Jin's thin appearance and wanted to tell her not to observe mourning for him, but he couldn't say it. Because he knew it was useless to say it, and he knew that Zhu Jin was still not satisfied with observing mourning for one year. In her heart, she should observe mourning for three years and stop all socializing, work and entertainment.
How could he possibly observe mourning for three years in today's life? So, after much thought, he found that the best thing was not to mention anything.
When his wife passed away suddenly, he almost died with her. Zhu Jin is still heartbroken, but after all these years, he feels that he can no longer let his wife only see their sadness, he should also let his wife know their happiness and joy.
"Happy news?" Zhu Jin looked at Su Mu and repeated. She had actually reported a happy event once, but apart from the good news of the successful application for the two interstellar conferences, there seemed to be few real happy events in the past two years.
"Yes, we should tell her more about happy events, such as your upcoming marriage, what you are going to do today, how outstanding your apprentices and students are, and the development of your ancient medical skills... You can tell her all these things, no matter how big or small, she actually likes to hear them the most." Su Mu slowly smiled, "Although she didn't show it before, she has been proud of you since you were a child. She has been silently watching your every growth and success behind your back."
“…Then I will come and talk to her more often in the future.” Zhu Jin didn’t expect to hear such words, and paused before speaking.
Yes, it was such an obvious thing, but she had never realized it because of guilt. Su Mu was the same. Today, when they came together, she suddenly figured it out.
"We should talk to her nicely and make her happy." Zhu Jin also laughed.
After they started talking, they took turns and found that they had so much to say. They started talking happily, just like chatting with Helian Lan. This time, the anniversary of his death was not as heavy as before.
It was past ten o'clock when Su Mu finally stopped urging Zhu Jin, still reluctant to leave. "Come on, let's go. Come back to see your mother sometime. You can't be too late today."
"Okay." Zhu Jin nodded, and finally kowtowed to say goodbye. He stood up and turned around with Su Mu and took two steps. When he raised his head, he saw Helian Zhen more than ten meters away.
Su Mu, Zhu Jin and Helian Zhen come to the cemetery every year, but have never met each other. Everyone has his own time period. This year, Zhu Jin came with Su Mu and left late, so he bumped into Helian Zhen.
Helian Zhen stared at Zhu Jin holding Su Mu's hand with a sarcastic look in his eyes.
Su Mu stared at Helian Zhen for a moment, then stiffly looked away, lowered his head and continued walking, apparently determined to continue ignoring him.
Helian Zhen's mocking eyes turned cold in an instant, and he shouted, "Dad, sister, you are here to see mom too, why don't you ask me to come with you."
Su Mu still lowered his head and was indifferent. Helian Zhen didn't care. "The whole Huadu is bustling. I didn't expect that my sister is still here. Three months of free clinics and free medicines must cost a lot. If you want to cooperate with charity organizations, you can find me."
"No need." Zhu Jin looked at her and shook his head, then supported Su Mu and walked past her.
Helian Zhen looked back and watched them go until she could no longer see anything. She then slowly came to Helian Lan's grave and knelt down. On the tombstone, Helian Lan smiled tenderly, but Helian Zhen never raised her head.
Every time she came to the tomb, she never looked up or spoke a word. She kept her head down or knelt with her head on the ground until her legs became numb before she stood up and left. This was the case every year and every time.
Since Helian Lan's death, Helian Zhen no longer watches any videos related to Helian Lan, no longer listens to her voice, no longer goes to places with Helian Lan's photos, and even if he has to go there, he avoids her sight. This taboo has become more and more serious in the past two years.
Helian Lan's appearance was engraved in Helian Zhen's memory, and she would never forget it for the rest of her life. But after Helian Lan's death, in Helian Zhen's memory, all that remained was Helian Lan's appearance, with a pale face, stiff expression, staring at her.
Helian Lan's voice was engraved in Helian Zhen's memory, and he would never forget it for the rest of his life. But after Helian Lan's death, in Helian Zhen's memory, there was only one voice of Helian Lan, a difficult, vague and ambiguous voice, "Medicine, give me medicine..."
As time went by, and as Chonglou gave her more and more death experiences each year, the memories became clearer and clearer, so clear that it was maddening. She wanted to escape, escape far away, but every year on the anniversary of his death, after each death experience throughout the year, she would come to the cemetery.
I'm obsessed and crazy and can't quit.
They came, knelt, and left like a zombie, repeating the same process over and over again, and no one knew.
The cemetery was quiet as usual, but the city center was bustling with thousands of people gathered around the makeshift house that was built overnight. The makeshift house was fully equipped and looked like a familiar hospital. There were huge crowds of people watching, and media reporters appeared in every corner.
In addition to the crowd outside, in the shacks and the square outside, long lines were neatly arranged and moving slowly forward.
When Zhu Jin rushed over from the cemetery, the free medical consultation had already begun.
This was a free clinic that Zhu Jin had been planning for several months. After he recovered from his illness and went to the clinic to discuss and talk with everyone, Zhu Jin thought a lot about it.
Later, when Zhu Jin saw the respect and love that people she met showed her, and the heartfelt words of love for her on the Internet, she felt ashamed.
Thinking about it carefully, Zhu Jin was actually very unworthy of the kindness shown to her by the people of the Blue Water. Compared to before, her status was higher and her influence was greater, but her opportunities to truly serve the people of the Blue Water were becoming fewer and fewer, which seriously violated her original intention of promoting ancient medical skills.
Later, when Zhu Jin was discussing the final internship assessment for graduates of the ancient medicine major with school teachers, Basil and others at school, he suddenly thought of his father in his previous life.
Whether it was the 'Miraculous Doctors' that had been passed down for generations in the early stages of the business, or the small 'Zhu Family Medical Clinic' in the later stages of the business, my father always followed the Zhu family rules and provided free medical services for a month every year, year after year, without interruption, no matter how difficult it was.
The Zhu family's free clinic was also a time to test the medical skills of the Zhu family's apprentices. As the number of Zhu family apprentices decreased from dozens to none, they still followed this rule.
Zhu Jin thought of her father, smiled, and felt deeply guilty that she had forgotten the most important family rule of the Zhu family.
From that day onwards, Zhu Jin began to make a plan. She began to strengthen the training and guidance of graduates, and took the graduates to make arrangements and preparations. She discussed with the prison, doubled the production of medicinal materials, contacted relevant departments and units, and made all preparations.
They were busy until the end of 3707, when they finally arranged everything. On the last day of 3707, December 31, they held a press conference at Huadu University, where Zhu Jin and the graduates personally announced the news of the three-month free clinic to begin on the Blue Water Star.
"From now on, at the beginning of every New Year, I will lead each batch of graduates of the ancient medical discipline to provide free medical services for the people of Blue Water for three months. The free medical services include medical examinations, diagnosis, and treatment. The entire process, including the cost of medicine, is free. This is the only way I, Zhu Jin, can give back to the people of Blue Water."
"Because the first round of clinics are for graduates who have just obtained medical qualifications, please point out their shortcomings and thank you for supporting their internship. Of course, please rest assured that during the three-month free clinic, Dr. Luo Le from the Ocean Hospital and I will supervise, follow up, and review every prescription. Only prescriptions that have been reviewed by us will be dispensed in the pharmacy."
"The three-month free clinic was conducted around the world, starting from Huadu and rotating to every city. In each city, we changed locations according to different situations to make it more convenient for patients to see a doctor."
"As long as nothing unexpected happens, there will be three months of free clinics every year in the future. I hope everyone can give me more advice and better suggestions. Finally, I have to say that if you are in good health, please do not disturb me. I also thank the Ocean Hospital for its support for this free clinic." The press conference was made public on the school website, and students from the news agency also contacted major media outlets. Within two hours, almost everyone on the Blue Water Planet knew the news.
What they gave Zhu Jin were cheers and applause. Zhu Jin felt that this time, facing these cheers and applause, his heart did not feel so empty.
The specific address of the free clinic was announced simultaneously on the school website and various media the day before, so that patients who wanted to come for treatment could make preparations.
On the first day of Huadu's free clinic, there were too many people. When they arrived at the scene, everyone was looking for Zhu Jin as usual. Everyone was confused when they didn't see Zhu Jin. Luo Le made a special explanation and said that Zhu Jin would be here soon. Because both Luo Le and Zhu Jin had good reputations, the scene was always orderly.
After Zhu Jin appeared, no one knew who started it, but soon the scene was filled with a sea of applause. The enthusiastic applause lasted for a long time before it slowly stopped.
Nowadays, many hospitals provide free treatment to several people in need every year, and they advertise a simple free physical examination. No one can do such a large-scale free clinic as Zhu Jin did, not to mention that Zhu Jin promised to provide free clinics for three months every year.
Zhu Jin bowed deeply in response to the applause.
Zhu Jin believes that many people in this world have a compassionate heart and want to do good deeds like her, but most of them do not have the financial resources and ability to do it.
If it weren't for Helian Nan's huge assets, and if she hadn't cooperated with Mr. Huang and made a lot of money, she wouldn't have been able to do this.
She did this just to give back to the people of Blue Water Star. This is what she should do.
After the applause, the free clinic continued in an orderly manner. Zhu Jin and Luo Le began to inspect every graduate. The younger students of the graduates signed up voluntarily, and those who had no classes came to help with study. There were quite a few people who came, and they all helped to do what they could.
As a special student who was not majoring in ancient medicine, it was not out of place for Shi Wei to help out during the period.
Shi Wei's heart was boiling with excitement. The applause had such a great impact on him that he almost forgot to breathe. He looked at Zhu Jin, who was at the center of the applause, and an indescribable pride welled up in his heart.
Shi Wei has always admired Zhu Jin. After that thunderous applause, Zhu Jin became his lifelong role model.
Later, when he grew old, he could always clearly remember this day and the applause on that day when he recalled his life.