In the evidence room on a rainy night, Su Chen used an electron microscope to observe the inner wall of the jade prayer beads. When the magnification was increased to 3000 times, nano-scale scratches appeared on the platinum coating - not the Chinese character "뀗", but a circular symbol composed of seven arcs.
"This... This is the mark on the International Criminal Police Red Wanted Notice!" Qin Feng retrieved the encrypted database, "The totem of the Q organization, which appeared in the Tokyo secret room murder case 꺘...꺘 years ago."
Tang Ren moved closer to the screen, his nose almost touching the monitor: "Isn't this just a mosquito coil?" 놛 suddenly froze, "Wait! Last week a fortune teller asked 놖 if she knew about the 'Seven Paths of Reincarnation'..."
According to Tang Ren's description, the people of 꺘 found the fortune-telling stall in 꽭橋떘. The blind old man stroked his rosary and suddenly grabbed Qin Feng's wrist: "The donor's fate is seven deaths, and he will be rich if he encounters water." The pattern drawn on his palm was not a hexagram at all, but a Q-shaped pattern drawn with nail polish.
Su Chen'an took the old man's fingerprints and the system showed that he was a fugitive in the Le Louvre Palace theft five years ago. That night, he raided the fortune-telling stall and only found a copy of the "I Ching". The longitude and latitude coordinates of seven cities around the world were written in invisible ink between the pages.
"Tokyo...Tokyo, London, New York..." Qin Feng pointed across the map, "all of these places have had unsolved cases related to the Q organization."
When retesting the platinum ingot, Su Chen projected the notches onto the 3D modeling software. When the seven grooves overlapped at a specific angle, the three-dimensional outline of Manhattan's Freedom Tower appeared. Tang Ren dug up the news of the incident: "Isn't this the building where the Q organization carried out the bombing?"
Qin Feng suddenly grabbed the evidence photo: "The fingerprint lock of Chairman Li's safe..." He covered the Q pattern that Su Chen took with it. The pattern and the lock core structure fit perfectly. "This... This is Q's special voiceprint key!"
When the interrogation of the drug dealer who faked his death and had plastic surgery, Tang Ren pretended to deliver food and taped a wiretap to the bottom of the lunch box. When the interrogation mentioned the "seven paths of reincarnation", the prisoner suddenly bit his dentures - the microchip hidden in the molar displayed the self-destruction program, and the countdown interface was a circular Q symbol.
"It's... it's Q's clearing protocol!" Qin Feng froze the crystal with liquid nitrogen. "This... this encryption method has only appeared on the dark web killer platform."
Su Chen discovered an even more shocking secret when he dissected the corpse: the prisoner's pacemaker was engraved with a police badge number - belonging to the narcotics captain who died five years ago.
On the eve of the case being closed, Qin Feng received an anonymous express delivery. In the sandalwood box was a jade chess piece, with a Q symbol engraved on the bottom of the pawn. When 놛 moved the "handsome" chess piece, the chessboard broke into seven pieces, revealing a yellowed file bag - it was the erased undercover record of the drug-hunting captain who died in the line of duty.
"Welcome... Welcome to join the game." The last page of the file had a photo of Qin Feng as a child, with the new coordinates written in blood on the back, "떘...떘 A puzzle is in seven days."
Tang Ren grabbed the chess piece and was about to smash it, but was stopped by Su Chen: "This is Burmese blood, soaked in neurotoxins." Under the light, there was a faint liquid flowing inside the chess piece. It was the modified heroin that caused Chairman Li's death.
At a transnational video conference, Interpol showed the latest intelligence: the outline symbol of Manhattan on a platinum ingot appeared on the landmark architectural blueprints of seven cities. When the projector focused on the center of the symbol, seven beams of light intertwined in the air to form a three-dimensional totem of Q.
"This... this is not a crime notice," Qin Feng circled the building height data with a laser pen, "it's... it's a mathematical matrix!" After all the numbers were arranged and combined, what was obtained was Su Chen's police number.
Tang Ren suddenly pointed out the window and screamed. The lights on the glass curtain wall of the building opposite formed a giant Q symbol. Deep in the neon lights, a mysterious man wearing an opera mask raised a red wine glass and saluted in the direction of the police station.
(Q's shadow officially looms)