Cui Er said excitedly: "You are lying, you are lying. Our young lady clearly gave birth to a little boy. The little boy was born in the morning, and Mrs. Wang brought him in at night and raped us."
Doctor Zhou said, "I don't know when your son was born, but I did go to your house at night. When I arrived, I saw the young woman's bed was covered in blood. She was dead, as if she had suffered a hemorrhage after childbirth."
Ruan Xinchen frowned slightly. She didn't expect that the tragic death Cui'er mentioned would be explained away by them and she had a hemorrhage.
If I could have found a few more doctors to check at that time, unfortunately, more than ten years have passed since the incident, and I just believed whatever Zhou said.
Cui Er said in a hoarse voice: "That was their fault. I was fine at first, but after Wang Po brought me in, the room was filled with my screams. They caused her to have a hemorrhage and killed her..."
Cui'er was so excited that she couldn't stop crying.
Unfortunately, the trial is not based on who has the loudest voice.
Lu Da knocked hard on the door, "Be quiet."
Liu An hurriedly pulled Cui'er up and comforted her to stop crying.
Cui'er covered her mouth, but tears continued to flow.
Mrs. Ruan snorted coldly, looking at her expression full of mockery.
It's a joke that a maid can stir up trouble for herself.
Mrs. Ruan insisted that it was Cui'er's fault for failing to take good care of her. She gave her labor-inducing food when she was pregnant, which led to her premature birth and her death from hemorrhage.
Cui Er insisted that it was Wang Po who brought her in and killed her, and Wang Po and the people in Ruan Mansion had the same statement.
Cui Er fought against several of them alone.
Now each side has its own story, and Lu Daji doesn't know who is telling the truth and looks embarrassed.
Look at Chu Li, then look at Chu Xuanche.
Ruan Xinchen knew it was her turn.
"We have found a key piece of evidence. Is this the food Cui Er gave my daughter to induce labor? We will know once we ask her."
Everyone looked towards Ruan Xinchen.
Lu Da: "Who?"
Ruan Xinchen said: "Be the midwife who delivered my daughter."
Mrs. Ruan's heart skipped a beat.
At that time, she went out of her way to find a man who was too old, saying that he would not live for many years.
Could it be that more than ten years have passed and she is still alive?
Besides...she is far away in Xiangzhou, how can she find her?
Lu Daji immediately said, "Call the old lady."
The old lady had been waiting outside, and after a while, an old woman in her seventies came in with a cane.
Mrs. Ruan had never even looked at her, and she didn't know if that was the reason.
She winked at Mrs. Wang.
The matter of the day was handled by Wang Pozi.
Mrs. Wang looked at the old woman for a while, and her expression suddenly changed.
Nodding slightly to Mrs. Ruan.
Mrs. Ruan was very nervous.
Oh my goodness, she is really alive? Ruan Xinchen really found her?
She looks so trembling and needs a crutch to walk. How come she isn’t dead yet?
"I, the humble Zhao Sun, come to see you, Your Excellency."
"No need to be polite, Xiao Zheng, please give me a stool."
It's not easy for her at her age, but she speaks clearly, so there should be nothing wrong with her brain.
"Thank you."
After the old lady sat down, Lu Daru began to ask questions.
"Are you the midwife who delivered little Cui?"
"Yes, I was the one who delivered your daughter. I am from Xiangzhou. When you came to the capital, you gave me a piece of gold and told me to take you to the capital to deliver your baby."
"Hmm?" Lu Da immediately understood the question, "Are you from Xiangzhou?"
"Yes, I am a famous woman in Xiangzhou."
Lu Da looked at Ruan Furen and asked, "Why did you go to Xiangzhou to ask for a stable mother?"
Mrs. Ruan opened her mouth and said, "She is a well-known old lady. I invited her because I heard that she is quite powerful."
At this time, Ruan Xinchen asked, "Why did you ask for help after only seven months? Did you predict that my mother would give birth prematurely?"
Yes, how come you invited your grandmother to come over when you have only been at home for more than seven months?
Everyone was confused.
Then Ruan Xinchen said, "Besides, it was almost winter. In the middle of winter, why did they bother to bring such an old woman here... What did they mean?"
As she said this, she looked at everyone present meaningfully.
Everyone had different expressions.
Mrs. Ruan's behavior is obviously not in line with common sense.
It seems like all the arrangements were deliberate.
"Mrs. Ruan, what do you say?" asked Lu Da.
Mrs. Ruan was a little panicked for a moment.
But after all, she was the grandmother who was in charge of the family for many years, and it was not so easy for her to detect the panic.
But Cui'er saw it. Cui'er was a maid who came from the Cui family. She grew up with the eldest daughter of the Cui family. Cui'er knew some of her nervous little movements.
After so many years, it hasn't changed.
Mrs. Ruan looked at the old woman who had to use a cane to walk, and wondered if she was confused.
I wonder how much of the details of that incident she still remembers?
She was gambling, or something like that... Even if the old woman said something inappropriate, she had a way to point out that she was talking nonsense.
"Yes, it sounds incredible. However, I did go to Xiangzhou to invite a fortune teller, but I had my reasons."
"Oh? Your reason is to harm my mother?" Ruan Xinchen pressed her.
Mrs. Ruan took a deep breath and said, "Xinchen, I know you have hated me all this time, but no matter what I say, you can't kill your mother. I hate her. I hate her for coming to the capital to see me under the pretext of seducing her brother-in-law while I was pregnant and giving birth..."
"No." Before she could finish, Cui Er said excitedly: "My lady did not seduce the master, it was the master who raped her."
Everyone had different expressions.
Mr. Lu did not expect that he would encounter such a big scandal while reviewing the case.
Mrs. Yuan didn't expect to come out to have tea with Mrs. Ruan and also eat a big melon.
Ruan Hong's face turned green. "How dare you, damned girl, speak nonsense and slander an official of the imperial court?"
"I didn't, I..."
"Be quiet." Lu Da knocked on the alarm clock to stop Cui Er from saying anything more.
One reason is to save face for Ruan Daru.
Secondly, so much has passed, and it is meaningless to talk about these things again.
No matter whose fault it is, once this happens, it will be blamed on the woman.
The woman is willing and knows no shame.
The woman was forced, and the man said she seduced him on purpose, but she couldn't explain herself even if she had mouths all over her body.
Besides, that woman had already been Ruan Da's concubine. She had given birth to two children and had been dead for many years.
Bringing it up again would just add to the joke.
"You beat the drum today because of an old murder case from thirteen years ago. If you want to settle the grudge between your young lady and Mr. Ruan, you must open another case."
Cui'er calmed down after hearing this and nodded slightly.
"Yes, I know."
Mrs. Ruan looked at Ruan Xinchen and continued, "I hate her for what happened between her and your father, but she is my biological sister after all. No matter how much I hate her, I can't kill her."
"So? How do you explain this matter of the widow?"
"This midwife..." She paused and said, "This midwife was originally hired for myself."