Chapter 152 Soul Interrogation

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, catching everyone off guard and leaving them stunned for a moment.

After several seconds, an uproar broke out. The students' faces changed drastically. Teacher Luo Lesheng rushed out, intercepted the Niulanshan fairy, and said sternly:

"What did you say? What did you say?

"What do you mean Xia Chaoxue is dead? Explain yourself to me clearly. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will break your legs."

This self-proclaimed gentle teacher,

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue sky, and everyone was caught off guard. They were stunned for a while. After several seconds, the uproar sounded. The students' faces changed drastically. Teacher Luo Lesheng rushed out to intercept the fairy from Lanshan and said sternly: What did you say? What did you say? "What do you mean by Xia Chaoxue is dead? Explain it to me clearly. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will discount you. This self-proclaimed gentle teacher showed extreme irritability and impulsiveness. Teacher Xia Chaoxue died in the room of the girls' dormitory. I didn't touch anything in the room." The fairy from Niulanshan said calmly and looked at the students: Yuanshi Tianzun, you take Ren Junzi and Guohezu to the scene for investigation. Teacher Luo Lesheng, you go and notify the teachers of the college to gather downstairs of the girls' dormitory immediately." She arranged it in an orderly manner as if it was instinct. Although they were students, the saints present were all experienced officials working on the front line. They were even stronger than the teachers who had retired to the second line for many years. They had stronger ability to deal with affairs on the spot. There was no need for the fairy from Niulanshan to urge the students to take action and rush to the girls' dormitory quickly. Xia Chaoxue was dead? This is unscientific. Killing a colleague in the academy is a completely mutual destruction approach. What kind of grudge or resentment is this? Zhang Yuanqing took action immediately and led the students to the girls' dormitory. His heart was full of confusion and astonishment. If he did not know the character of the fairy from Niulan Mountain, he would have suspected, like Luo Lesheng, that the fairy was talking nonsense. Thinking of this, he turned around and glanced at the students, only to see that everyone had frowned and looked confused with a solemn expression. Obviously, the experienced saints also found this matter inconceivable. What kind of motive could make him go to extremes in the academy? His eyes swept over the faces of the students one by one. Zhang Yuanqing saw Tianxia Guihuo give him a subtle wink. He could understand Tianxia Guihuo's hint without the insight. If a murder case was found, the academy would definitely investigate the students' whereabouts last night. The dean was a scout and there was a lie detector in the academy. The trip to the underground palace would definitely reveal flaws. I can use the ghost mirror to smooth out my emotional fluctuations and avoid the scout's insight. If the lie detector is also for the scout profession, the ghost mirror can solve it as well. If it is mind control, it can also be transferred to the little funny guy. I am very stable myself, but Tianxia Guihuo and Xiahou Aotian are not stable. Sun Miaomiao and Zhao Chenghuang are only stable for the latter situation. They cannot avoid the scout's insight. It was not easy to get the relics of the First Emperor. There was no accident last night, but what happened today? Zhang Yuanqing was extremely anxious and could only take one step at a time. This kind of sudden situation tests his ability to respond. First, he had to send the ghost mirror to the princess. But if I asked to go back to the dormitory at this time, it would go against common sense and logic and I would be suspected. Zhang Yuanqing suddenly stopped and said, "Niulanshan, come here for a moment." Hearing this, the jogging Niulanshan fairy stopped and the students all turned their heads to look at him. Zhang Yuanqing slowly instructed the students, "You go first. I'll have a few words with the Niulanshan fairy." In the context of a murder case, it is normal to have a private chat with the first person who came into contact with the crime scene. The students just glanced at him and continued to rush to the girls' dormitory. Don't call me Niulanshan, call me fairy." She pouted. "Fairy, like gentleman, is not a compliment, okay?" Zhang Yuanqing didn't have time to talk nonsense and said quickly "I'll give you a task. Go ask the animals and plants in the academy, especially the girls' dormitory, to see if you can find a wood demon. You understand the language of animals and plants, and can get inspiration from them. Although flowers and plants cannot reply to you, I saw Chang Wei beating Lai Fu when I came in, but at least I can get some vague clues. It's better to have some than nothing." "Okay," the little fairy from Niulanshan took the order and left. Zhang Yuanqing's vision reflected her back, as well as the backs of the students in front of him. To make sure no one was paying attention to him, he unnoticedly took out the ghost mirror and threw it into the bushes, and followed the large group without changing his expression. Behind him was a round and cute baby with sparse fetal hair on his head and a brass mirror on his head. He paddled quickly with his limbs like a nimble cat, and with the cover of grass and trees, he crawled towards the boys' dormitory. Soon, the group arrived at the girls' dormitory. Ren Junzi, a swordsman, and Guohezu were cautious.

Zhang Yuanqing opened the door and entered the room first. He stopped at the door and said to everyone:

The people of the family stay outside. Those who have made meritorious deeds of C level or above come in with me. The others stay on standby. At this time, he changed his lazy and slacking style and showed the style of "Yuanshi Tianzun". One is a genius and the style of a big boss with many merits. The reason why only C-level meritorious people are allowed to come in is because merit and ability are directly linked. It is enough to handle homicide cases. Elites only need to participate. Others don't need to get involved. As for the children of the Lingjing family, there are few second-generation people who can compare with the deacons working on the front line. They can handle cases with one finger. Upon hearing this, the saints silently stepped back a few steps. The world is returning to fire. Zhao Chenghuang, Sun Miaomiao, the little fairy of Niulanshan, Yuan Ting, the Peony Fairy, and six people followed Yuanshi Tianzun into the house, passed through the entrance, and came to the bedroom. Guohe Zu and Ren Junzi were examining the corpse and observing the room. Zhang Yuanqing entered the bedroom and looked at the bed. The white sheets were stained black and red by blood. The young woman in a silk nightgown was lying on the bed. Her eyes were fixed on the ceiling. It was Xia Chaoxue. Her pretty face was pale, her eyes were wide open, her neckline was messy, her skirt covered her thighs, and her black silk ** hung at her ankles.

表情冷峻严肃的过河卒说道:致命伤有两处 一处是头盖骨被人击碎 摧毁了脑组织 另一处是胸口被利器贯穿 直接剖开了心脏 夏朝雪几乎没有反抗 「「他旋即看向挂着脚踝的凿丝** 道:你们几位女学员 谁来看看 她有没有被** 嗯 **这个说法不准确 应该说 有没有**过的痕迹 牡丹仙子看了看孙淼淼 又看一下牛栏山小仙女 道:「我来吧 我在尸检方面有经验 处理过类似的案子 」说完 走到床边 掀开了夏朝雪的睡裙 在场的男士自觉的转过身去 几十秒后 牡丹仙子说道:「死前有过**痕迹 」我有个疑问 」张元清突然说 男生宿舍 404号房间间 优雅端坐在书桌边的银瑶郡主 侧头 看见圆润可爱的婴灵 穿过木门 小海豹似的爬来 脑袋上顶着雕刻飞凤的黄铜镜 银瑶郡主见状 便知元始天尊的意思 沟通识海里的烙印 我同意了 」她旋即僵坐不动 几秒后 她附身起婴灵头顶的黄铜镜 另一只手在额头一抹 惨白的光芒亮起 颜料般淹没整张脸 黑红两色的颜料 勾勒出上挑的眼部 下撇的嘴角 描绘出一张狡诈阴险的白色脸谱 白脸阴险狡诈 擅长使用阴谋诡计 入主阴尸后 张元清慵懒的坐靠在椅背 传递出喃喃自语的精神波动:他们四人里 任何一个出了岔子 地宫行动就会败露 这时候杀他们四个灭口显然来不及 得想个办法 得想个办法 嘶 哪个杂碎偏挑这时候杀人 坏我好事 老子要把他剥皮抽筋 有什么问题?」过河卒投来质询的目光 「为什么是** 而不是侵犯?「张元清问 任君梓替过河卒回答了这个问题:因为房间里没有打斗的痕迹 夏朝雪的尸体状态来看 也证明了没有经过打斗 她的面部表情可以看出 死前完全没想到行凶者会杀自己 再加上有***痕迹 所以判断是熟人作案 「极大可能就是夏朝雪的情郎 需要查一査她的人际关系 不过有一点很可疑 夏朝雪是沙鬼 沙鬼的被动免疫物理攻击 可以保她一命 「夏朝雪就算再没想到自己会被袭击 遭受攻击后 也该反应过来了吧 我指的就是这个张元清一边拖延时间 一边利用白脸的增益 快速思考对策,「如果夏朝雪正被人以精神控制类技能影响 没有打斗痕迹 不一定就是熟人作案 也可能是我说的这种情况 」任君梓颌首:很符合逻辑的推测 但我觉得可以有更简单更轻松的方式 这就需要你们星官的帮忙了 」赵城隍脸色冷峻的颌首 道:「我来吧 「焦虑的不只有张元清 但从头到尾 地宫小队伍就没有交换过眼神 没有表露出任何异常 展现出不俗的心理素质 赵城隍转动视线 凝视着夏朝雪的尸体 漆黑粘稠的能量迅速沾满眼眶 覆盖瞳孔和眼白 就这么看了几秒 他眉头忽然紧锁 眼里的漆黑退去 语气变得格外凝重:「灵体被抹除了 「被抹除了 闻言 孙淼淼 张元清和袁廷 都露出古怪的神色

而其他人眼神也跟着复杂起来 目光在太一门三人脸上来回扫动 抹除

死者的灵体 这是夜游神才有的能力 秦风学院里的星官就那么多 四名学员一名老师 任君梓在四位星官身上一阵扫视 淡淡道:直觉告诉我 这件案子可能会很麻烦 正说着 房间门被推开 头发花白的老院长 拎着「星空观测者」和「宋蔓老师赶来 见到**的尸体 老院长表情瞬间一沉 继而看向屋内的学员们 「说

说你们的发现 天下归火便将两名剑客的分析 以及赵城隍的问灵结果 不漏细节的汇报给院 在秦风任教这么多年 头一次遇到命案 而且死的还是执事.\n.」院长捏了捏眉心 吐出一口沉重的气息 「星空 你去看看 「星空观测者走到床边施展噬灵技能 很快 他揺头道:灵体确实被抹掉了 院长缓缓点头 亲自在屋子转了一圈 做第二次验证 然后问道:死亡时间?」过河卒回应道:「大概是后半夜 或接近凌晨 」目前为止没有任何技术能精准锁定死者的死亡时间 即便是验尸经验丰富的斥候 也只能锁定在一个大致的范围内 老院长「嗯」一声 目光锐利的扫过屋内学员 「都到楼下集合吧 出了这档子事 课也别上了 能在培训结束前找出凶手最好 找不出来 就只能交给总部处理了 他语气不再温和 透着一股锐利的锋芒 仿佛学员们不再是学员 而是潜在的 学员在学院被杀 他这个院长难辞其咎 肯定是要背责任的 找出凶手还能将功抵过 后半夜 接近凌晨 白脸元始天尊隐约间抓住了灵感 后半夜他们早已经散伙 各自入睡 如果能把测谎内容定在「后半夜」 「凌晨「等词汇 那么测谎道具也辨别不出谎言 因为本来就不是谎言 各种念头在心里闪过的同时 张元清突然注意到一个细节 那就是夏朝雪的睡姿 为什么上床不脱裙子?为什么夏朝雪还穿着裙子?夏朝雪身材很好 胸大 腰细 臀侧曲线丰满 想来屁股也很大 如果是我 我不会让她穿衣服 屋内众人随着院长离开 走在最后的星空观测者关上房门 与走廊等候的学员们一起来到宿舍楼底 秦风学院发生了命案 这是建校以来的头一遭 学院的老师都被传唤到了女生宿舍楼下 与学员们分成两个阵营 大家听着老院长声音低沉的讲诉着助査结果 现在的情况是 宋蔓和牛栏山小仙女没有从动植物那里获得启示 .案发那段时间 没有外人进过女生宿舍 案件一下子变得棘手起来 老院长沉痛道:我是秦风学院的第二任院长 六年前就在这里了 上一任院长任职八年 我任职了六年 真正十四年 学院从未发生过命案 夏朝雪学员的死 让我感到震惊 惋惜 以及愤怒 停顿一下 他缓缓道:但事情既然已经发生 我们只能接受现实 接下来 停止一切课程 直到査清此案 抓出凶手 在此期间 学员之间 老师之间 学员和老师 都要相互监督 相互警惕 勘査结果你们已经知道了 谁知道夏朝雪平时与那位男学员走得近?没有人回答 男学员在面面相觑 女学员在审视男学员 男老师 这时 袁廷说道:院长 二十二名学员里 我 孙淼淼 赵城隍来自太一们 三阳开太太和任君梓来自同一分部 元始天尊和天下归火来自同一分部 至于其他人 都来自不同的分部 也就是说 嗯 理论上说 夏朝雪在这里不应该有情人的 啊 我不是说她私生活有问题 我只是就事论事 袁廷才是社牛吧 他都已经摸清所有人底细了?张元清又佩服又头疼 夏朝雪在学院里不该有情人的话 她昨晚和谁上床?案子复杂程度一下子暴涨了 那就是**咯 」赵飞问看向了红鸡哥 道:「能做出这种事的 学院里也不多了吧 」你特么看谁呢 」红鸡哥勃然大怒 「老子在外面妻妾成群 崇拜我的女人能从花都排到京城 我需要***?」老院长审视一眼红鸡哥 「案件有点复杂 确实不像他做的 「红鸡哥一时间不知该生气还是庆幸 「这案子很难吗?我

觉得很简单 」一道带着冷笑的声音响起 众人侧头看去 说话的是打扮宛如偶像练习生的朱明煦 他迎着众学员 老师的目光 双手插兜 道:「刚才院长说了 没有打斗痕迹 熟人作案 死后灵体被抹除

There aren't many people who can do these two things, right? Yuanshi Tianzun" As soon as these words came out, the crowd was in an uproar. Sun Miaosen, Peony Fairy, Niulanshan Little Fairy and other female students glared at Zhu Mingxu, "You sissy, what are you talking about?" "Does Yuanshi Tianzun need to use force? Do you believe it or not? As long as he wants, your mother will strip herself naked and lie down for him to do it." "Sissies are not popular now. How can you question Yuanshi Tianzun with your appearance? Women are just as vulgar as men when it comes to cursing. Most of the official saints, especially the female group, are fans of Yuanshi Tianzun. Even if it's not Yuanshi Tianzun, they are from the same organization. How can we allow people from the Lingjing family to slander Zhu Mingxu? He was sprayed with dirty words in the face, and he was insulted by a woman. He was immediately a little angry and sneered, "The only one who can wipe out the spirit body is the Night Wandering God. The only one who can come and go without a trace is the Night Wandering God. The only one who can possess and control is the Night Wandering God. You bitches, tell me if it's not Yuanshi Tianzun, who is it? Of course, it could also be Zhao Chenghuang, Yuan Ting, and the Star Detector teacher. Anyway, these few people are investigating him. "They are" The female students were still cursing but no one could refute. Zhang Yuanqing said loudly: "The innocent are innocent, Dean. I am willing to take a lie detector test." The noisy scolding stopped. The dean nodded slightly: "This is an inevitable test." As he said this, he grabbed a six-inch long brown horn from the inventory. "Hold this prop and answer my questions. If you lie, it will glow." Zhang Yuanqing, who was not a scout, took the brown horn calmly. Without waiting for the dean to speak, he took the initiative to say: "I didn't go to the girls' dormitory last night. Xia Chaoxue was not killed by me, and I didn't violate her." With the blessing of the white mask, his thinking speed was obviously accelerated. Faster, more feminine, more cunning, more agile, and more capable of responding to situations. Everyone stared at the little corner of Jie Se. It didn't react at all. Many female students secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Zhu Mingxu was stunned, his face full of disappointment, and then he fell into deep thought. The four people in the underground palace action team immediately understood that Yuanshi Tianzun was demonstrating to them that it was feasible to follow his set of procedures. The four people in the underground palace action team immediately understood that Yuanshi Tianzun was demonstrating to them that it was feasible to follow his set of procedures. The old dean silently examined him, nodded, and suddenly asked, "You were in the dormitory all last night? Why are you asking this? Zhang Yuanqing looked at the dean calmly. If it weren't for the sage with the ghost mirror, his eyes would have suddenly become sharp or his pupils would have shrunk. This simple question revealed a huge amount of information to Zhang Yuanqing. He had already proven his innocence. According to normal logic, he didn't kill anyone. Why bother asking more questions? What does staying in the dormitory all night have to do with the death? If he hadn't proven his innocence, such questioning would be understandable. But the dean clearly knew that he was not the murderer through the insight polygraph props, but he still asked this question. Only one person would care whether the students left the dormitory at night, and that was the armored man. But how did he know that the stone door had been opened?

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