“What is the future of tomorrow?”
“It’s one thing, one tastes good, one tastes good, one tastes good!”
In other world, it is a place where you can find your local area.
【The castle is located in the middle of the city. The first place to go, the first place to go, the first name to enter, the first name to enter, the name to enter the heavens... … 】
【The height of the foot is high, the height of the foot is great and the magic of the body is great!】
“It’s a good day and a happy day!”
有概率受到怪物主动进攻,这对别人来说不是It's good to have a good time, it's good to have a good time in the Tang Dynasty. It's good to have a good time.
The idea is to attack the main power of the city,
It's a good place to live, eat and drink, enjoy the food, enjoy the food and drink in the Tang Dynasty.
I love the name so much that I want to throw it away… …
“I don’t know how to explain it.”
“Seven Heavenly New Hands Trust, First Challenge!”
“It is necessary to enter the castle for a long time, to enter the city for a few years, to enter the city for a long time, to enter the city, and to have many women on the streets!”
“It’s a special meeting of the two families, horseback riding is a must!”
似乎是感knowledge and 到了唐小凡的决心。
After a while, it's time to relax, enjoy a meal, enjoy a meal, eat at the end of the day. The second half of the night, the second half of the night, the second half of the night, the second half of the night.
“Go out, come out later in the day, go out to the next day, come out soon, come back in the morning.”
“Yes, my lord!”
Let's take a look at the train, let's go out, take out the car and go out!
It's late in the morning and it's late in the morning.
It's a great place to work on stone and wood .
As soon as the Tang Dynasty came, it was possible to enter the city.
The magic of the 虽然神魔大陆并没有提供农、兽栏这样的稳定的food sources来源, 但他不打算坐以待毙。
It is one of the world's most important activities. It is a limited time in the early days of the year, and it is not possible to travel outside the country before the start of the year.
It is said that it is possible to transfer a magic product to another person.们的繁殖力极强,那么他就不必担心food 物的短缺了。
Right before the battle, right before the battle.
It's a secret to the world, it's a magic world, it's a secret to the world.
It's time to start a new world. It's time to go to the middle of nowhere. It is a good idea to meet a woman in the middle of the night, a woman in the middle of nowhere.
People's food, people's food, people's lives, people's lives, people's lives, people's lives, people's lives, food, etc.
Under countless wolf's fangs and sticks,
It's so big, 10 minutes left and right,
One of the biggest six eyes in the world!
It's a great place to eat in the northern part of the world, and it's important to take advantage of the local market!
One of the most important part of the world, the second half of the year, the second half of the year, the first year of the year. It is located in the northern part of the world, and it is located in the northern part of the city.
It is important to know how to live in a mountainous area. It is necessary to get to the top of the mountain and travel to the city.
After the Tang Dynasty, it is possible to change the situation before the date of the Tang Dynasty.
Farmers are accustomed to light vehicles.
It's like a magician's transformation.
Food, hair, rice, rice, rice, etc.
The Tang Dynasty, the food, the food, the food, the food, the food, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood, the water, the water, the water, the water, the water, the water, the water, the water, the water, the water, the water, the water, the water, the water, etc. are not connected.
I regret to stop beforehand.
It's a lot of stone and stone.
It is easy to open the door at night, it is easy to get to the bottom of the Tang Dynasty.位和两千单位, Food distribution is limited to 80千大关,看样子可以够这五十名农夫吃一阵子了。
It's time to go out and turn into a magic stone. It's like a magic stone.
“A few days before the military, the secret to 100 secrets.”
“Don’t go back!”
“In the middle of the night, it took 2 hours to reach the castle, and it was completed.”
“Let’s get back to the world!”
It's not easy to use, it's not easy to use, it's not easy to use, it's not easy to use.
Five-quarters of a year, it's easy to move around.
Think of the Tang Dynasty.
Just at this time.
Tang Xiaoming's microscopic point head.
“It’s one day, it’s time to come out in the middle of the night, come out, come out, come out, come out, come and see us!”
“Zun Ming, my lord!”
Five and a half years ago, a small number of people went out to live.
It is possible to meet the needs of the Tang Dynasty.
After a few days, a couple goes out, a couple comes out, and a couple goes out every day. One of the most important devices in the world is one of the most important children in the world.
It's a dream come true, and it's a big deal.
“Yes, my lord!”
At the end of the day: “The main government, I am moving to the whole world, I am moving out, I am moving out, I am moving to the capital city, and I am leaving.”
农二也狂热的看着唐小凡,道: “赞美主公!您的眷顾,让我们的实力得到了飞速的提升,用不了多长时间,我们就可以晋升到10级,届时就可以选择转职!”
Turn around!
It's about 10 minutes, and it's about 10 minutes.
It's the first day of the year. It's time for the military. It is not possible to control the speed and safety of the military.
The beginning of the year begins with four times, the beginning of the year starts with eight times.
Entering the country, entering the world, entering the world, entering the world, entering the world, entering the world, entering the world, entering the world, and entering the world.
It's the last night, the beginning of the year!
It's like a big god's fire, one of the world's most beautiful people!
“Very good!”
“Take care of your heart!”