Chapter 26

People's business, business, business, business, business and business.建的位置, 接着,宩唐小凡吃惊的一幕出现了,

建一到建十,Self-exiting vehicle control right before entering the market.来, 然后一个个穿着战甲轻松的抬起城墙段落,开始搭建城墙! “哐!”


One of the most beautiful castles in the world,

The Tang Dynasty is a place to visit.

With the help of workers, it is possible to reach the top of the world. ,竟然会全凪动挖地基、找平、对其, 然后两块城墙段落直接Self-employment-oriented transfer, Comprehensive transfer, Completely self-employment-friendly机器! 唐小凡转念一idea小铁匠铺的工匠铺的工作原理,促中也就了然了。

It's a new year's news, it's for couples, and it's a high-ranking company!

“It’s good to know, it’s easy to understand, it’s good to know the city, it’s good to see the city.”

“It’s good, sir, it’s good to be in front of the house, and it’s time to go to the place.”

After completing the construction of the castle, it is possible to expand the market. Artistic work, 并且按照每天400个单位的food products上限,


Five-quarters of people are eligible to enter the market, and the annual sales contract is limited to five and a half people. A couple's husband's wife's husband's wife's husband's husband's husband's death, his wife's husband's husband's son's husband's death, his wife's husband's husband's husband's death, his wife's husband's husband's husband's husband's death, his wife's husband's husband's husband's death, he was born in China.

It is small and strong.

It is possible to expand the market with a large number of financial resources.

Eat and drink, eat and drink, eat and drink in various forms.

A good local exhibition.

One day at a time, one day at a time, one day at a time, one day at a time.

Dividing the food and manufacturing industry, making food products harmonious.

It's time to go to the castle and go to the castle.

Abnormal body movement, external body movement, external body movement, external movement, etc. It is a private business and a private business. It is a private business.

“My lord!”

Around the world, it is necessary for a woman to ride a horse under the weight of a horse, and to wear a horse for the first time in a while. “Once again, I am on the same street.”

“Oh? Explain clearly!”

The Tang Dynasty's first step is to open the door to the realm of power.

Black and white technology is one of the most important regulations in the world.

It is possible to control the power of the earth and the power of the city.

It's right now, it's right.

One day love and respect: “Let’s live, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go! Let’s meet together. ” “It’s an object outside the horizon, it’s an object outside the horizon!”

“Twin-headed monster?”

“That is my master!”

The early night road: “The world's body uses the weapon, it uses the same weapon, the weapon uses the same type of weapon, the foreign language uses the language of the military, and the brightness of the world shines brightly!”

“他们的实,普遍在10 degrees left and right.”

“The most powerful person is the 12-year-old.”


“And then I started to like blood.”

“Let’s meet the world, let’s meet the world!”

“It’s time to meet, love your life, live in the world, live in the world, go to the outside world, let’s go to the city!”

The story goes:

“Sunday is not good, good person is not good!”


“I don’t want to do anything, I can’t live anywhere at night, I can’t wait to see the city.”

“No need to visit the city, don’t use the city, don’t use the city, protect people’s safety!”


It's a good thing for friends and family, it's not for everyone's sake, it's for everyone.


No, I don't like it!

A person in the middle of the night, a foreigner in the middle of the night, a lot of people in the middle of the night, many people in the middle of the night!

The farmer's expression is calm.

“Once in a while, it’s time to close the fire.”

“It’s a great place!”

The night has just arrived.

In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, in the middle of the night.

It's finally over and it's over!


It's a good idea to go to the Tang Dynasty and get to the local restaurant!


The Tang 小凡让农一和农二开始编排一下巡逻的人手,虽然有了城墙, 可是安It's all over the place, it's all over the place, it's all over the place, and it's all over the place.


The Tang Dynasty's heart is strong and powerful .怨,但他们可是活生生的人,这么一直紧绷着终究不是事。

Is it possible to avoid it? Do you want to move out? Do you want to go out?

It's possible! It's not easy to get to the place where it's located. It's not easy to find a place to visit.个活动? 唱歌?跳舞? 可是,一群农夫吼个精忠报国还行,其它的就算了。

那… It is difficult to move to the Tang Dynasty. It is difficult to get out of the Tang Dynasty.

这么大的场地… … Is it right?

Good master's intention! There are six and a half dozen people in the world, and there are one hundred people in Ming Tian.

10 steps to complete.

铁匠铺队、维修组队、狩猎队、木材厂队、Stone Worker’s Door, Construction Worker’s Door, Moon’s Door, 打杂队… …

A bucket!

仔细一idea,唐小凡发现能组建的队伍还真不少! 对了!


Ten squadrons in one place… …

嘶! Emotion is on the way to the top of the horse.

Is it right to use the Tang Dynasty? ,场地又大,回头在城墙外面,再弄个足球场?

Foreign business,奖品是是机? 要手机、电脑也没有啊,即便是有,

也没办法给人家家啊! “Sir,考虑到你现在的情况,建议采用荣奖章为主,毕竟目前城堡主要目标是立足。”

Tang Xiaobian wrote his thoughts,

“It's good, it's good, it's good, it's good.

“One day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, the last name will be met.”

“The outside world is ready to go out, and the outside world is coming out!”

After entering the world, it is possible to enter the city and enter the city.

没有草皮,flat land surface,装俩篮筐,四周就空旷The control board, the wooden board, the three-tiered area, the second floor.

Yes, I can!

During the Tang Dynasty, it's time to go out in the middle of the night.

“Who’s playing ball?”

Seeing the world around the world is one thing, “The old board, the whole world is on the way, not on the road, I’m on the road!”
