Chapter 30 New product management policy

The general level is very low.



A horse's head is ready to eat, a few people can't eat and drink, and a person's food needs to be eaten in the middle of nowhere. It's about 3500 people's magic, and it's about the height of the planet.

“Zun Ming, my lord!”

The first day of the Tang Dynasty, the first day of the Tang Dynasty.

As soon as the water starts flowing, the water flows out into the west, and the yellow metal moves back and forth.

Let's start the day, let's go to the Tang Dynasty, let's go to the next step, let's go to the next step, let's talk about the roads of the world, let's take a look at our own thoughts! “Sir,鉴于目前的战场情况,以及目前的的战甲防护能力,建议您慎重考虑。”

“Return to the store, go to the store, go back to the store.”

Good luck, Tang 小凡从善如流,毕竟他不是武艺精湛的职业战士。


The Tang Dynasty's military equipment, military equipment, military equipment, military equipment, military equipment, and military equipment.



There is such a thing.


It is a world-class martial arts weapon, a martial arts weapon, a martial arts weapon, a martial arts weapon, a military equipment, and other weapons.


It is a military uniform and military equipment.

Traveling to the West, having a look at the people and the military.

… …

“Multiple weapons, martial arts equipment!”


“Clearing of various objects: wood, stone, stone”

”Let’s go, let’s go!”

… …

《今日神魔大陆》节目刚刚消停没几分钟, 随着唐小凡开始销售这些战利品,


“I’m in the middle of nowhere! I’m in the middle of nowhere, I’m in the middle of nowhere! “Once you see the world, you can see the world and see how people travel around the world!”

“Crown grass!”



It is easy to read and read on your own .

It's a rainy day, it's a good idea to have a good time.

If you are looking for a place to meet your friends, travel abroad, visit the company: “Is it a good idea to have a good time in the new era?”

耿大师被雨琦问道痒处,连忙说道: “Return to the new world, expand the power of the new world, expand the new reservoir, expand the new river, expand the new energy, expand the new energy market!”

张小小一撇嘴,说道: “Electrical pond is one of the most important places!”

“No power! Easy to use, flexible, flexible, flexible, flexible, flexible and flexible.” , 配合耿大师,雨琦将直播画面截屏,显示出马克2型装甲正在战斗的小片段。


The body's body is a great food and human's magic, the power to fight against the body's body!

“A big fight, a big fight, a big fight, a big fight, a big fight, a big fight, a big fight, a big fight, a big fight.” It's a new strategy, a new strategy, and it's a big deal.

“Great power supply, powerful power supply!”

It's great to have a good time in the middle of the day, it's not easy to understand.

The office is also busy talking about:

“没错,这样的电池即徿是在军用领域也极其罕见,大家可以“It’s a military operation, it’s a military operation, and it’s a big type of military equipment.”

“As soon as the Tang Dynasty starts, it starts to expand and expands and expands.”

One of the most powerful things in the world , the first meeting of people's hearts, the first meeting of people's hearts,

It's a good idea to go back and forth, and then go back and forth.

“It is possible to reach the end of the world. It is possible to reach the end of the world.”

About people's business, travel to the city of Dongguan, take advantage of the local idea, follow the information to the local government,

What about the star?

“Good night, good night. Half the time, half the time, bright night, bright night!”


“Crown grass!”

It's okay to have a small body, don't hate it, don't let it get to your head!

… …

The great magic of the Tang Dynasty, the first place of the Tang Dynasty.

Travel to the world and travel to the world.


Military equipment, military equipment, and military equipment.



“I’m calm!”

“A lot of military equipment, comfort and equipment, a self-eating, human magic!”

“Is it true that the Tang Dynasty’s Great Food and the People of the Tang Dynasty is a place where people can eat and drink? “The light of the sky, the food of the people, the magic of the people, the hand of the hand, the large sword, the light of the people, small arms, good luck! “们跑得快,不然势必要团灭!唐小凡大佬竟然杀了这么多食人魔,实力太强了!”

“Get your money back and let people go out!”


“The Tang Dynasty is a great place to visit. It is a great place to visit.”

“Bow down!!”

It is a place where people live and live together.

Suddenly, some people opened their mouths.

“It's a lot of things to do, it's a lot to do.”

“Food, human magic, great food, wisdom, life, and life?”

“Use your own military equipment, use your own weapons, take control of the area along the road, and use all of your vehicles!”

“It’s against the law!”


It's like a horse's mouth and a horse's mouth is ready to go.

“A beautiful person is a good person!”

“Public disease is not a problem!”

“A large number of people are fighting against a large number of people. They are moving towards the open space.”

“The words of the great sword, the long sword, the sword, the sword, the sword, the sword, the new sword, the new sword! “今天一过,再有四天,兽潮来袭。能够得到这些武器,必“It’s a great way to learn from high school students, it’s easy to tell the story of a young person, and it’s a good thing!”

“Let’s meet one person, let the heart be like a woman, realize the Tang Dynasty, go out, go out!”

“Know yourself, know yourself!”
