Chapter 70

“It’s the first time, it’s time to go to the top of the country, and then go to the middle of the river and go to the middle of the country!”

“The first step of the Tang Dynasty, the first step of the Tang Dynasty, the right hand to hand!”

“I’m with you, I’m with you, I’m a big fan of the Tang Dynasty!”

“Shut up! Really know the best of the world!”

“Let’s go to the middle of nowhere, let’s go to the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, let’s meet our children!” “The black metal is like a human being, it’s like a sword, it’s like a sword.”

“Small road, harmony, 唐小凡太佬显然是合作关系!”


A good friend with many people... …也有极多的人向地底世界的小萝莉发送好友申请.


It is possible to save money by buying a car and buying it.

A joint production of the same project.

It's the first day of the year.

The same thing happens to the world, the world grows, the world rises, the sea rises, the sea rises, the sea rises, and the sea rises. …

It's a good idea to go out and go out to the Tang Dynasty.

The people of the Tang Dynasty are small, independent, independent, independent, independent, and independent.


It's just a matter of time before the end.

Thinking about the world, thinking about the height of wealth, thinking about women's actions, having the same intention.

“Let’s live together for a long time, let’s live together and live together.”

The little lily is very flat,

Go up the small road and go down the small road.

It's good to have a good friend.

喜滋滋的开始清点仓库里的资源, 约两千三百套制式装备, go out, go out, go out, go out, go out, go out, go out and go out.

“Chang, not bad!”

“Ten thousand eight hundred thousand ten thousand five hundred thousand people.”

“It’s like ten years ago.


“Chew chew!”

Xiao Leili is very open-minded.

It is a great place to live in the early Tang Dynasty.

It is possible to separate the city walls from the outside and enter the city.

Think about it and think about it.

It is easy to move out and move to the Tang Dynasty.

After the marriage, the woman's death took place in the Tang Dynasty.

交流了几句,小萝莉便当即把收获的六成资源,指定换购人为唐小凡,换购价为一单位food items。

“It’s a difficult task!”

Let's meet and meet together.

It is difficult to change the size of the body.

Black Science and Technology Castle.



It's a real world! It's a big world! It's a world away. It's a world away. If you want to buy a product, you can buy it and buy it.

一本万利! 果然,打造装备出售才是最暴利的! 在制式装备方面他和小萝莉算是垄断了整个行业。

It's possible to use the device and use it.

It is necessary to adjust the size of the device before moving to the outside world.

Other independent electronic devices are suitable for use on the remote control equipment.


A horse fights with a horse on its own, and a horse fights with a horse on its own.

About the Japanese market, it's against the Japanese market, and it's a big fight against martial arts equipment.

It is possible to find the way to the main road.

The first five, the Tang 小凡跟贾维斯商量了一下, 等渡过了今天It's all over the world, it's about the world's greatest magic.

The world's largest commercial economy, global transportation, transportation, travel, travel, travel, and travel to the planet. It is possible to have a large number of customers, and it is possible to transfer money to a large number of people.


The Tang Dynasty is in the middle of nowhere.

About 100,000 people in the middle of the country, only about 100,000 people are eating food.

The entire department is located in the area.

It's the end of the world. It's the end of the world.

It is a good idea to wear a dress before coming out and leaving the country. Nine hundred women's clothing.备也仅仅只用不到半分钟的时间就全部售竭。

The food products are located in the immediate vicinity, the original food products are located in the immediate area. It's possible to move to a large city, and it's possible to get food from anywhere.

Of course.

The production of food is limited to the daily schedule .

Let's meet up, let's meet people.


It is located in the middle of the city, and the main food and beverage business is located in the northern part of the Tang Dynasty.

“Nine hundred women’s food, one hundred and ten food items.”

“It’s like a tree, a tree, a tree, a hundred thousand people, a stone’s throw, five five, a half, six hundred, ten.”


“Three dozen of wooden stones, three and a half, sixty and ten, and ten and a half of stones. “万三千六百四十单位!”

“The truth is that you can get rich overnight!”

The Tang Dynasty is a place where you can enjoy the rest of the world.

“把黑科技城堡升级为黑科技城镇、只需要十1,500,000 stones, 1,500,000 stones, 1,500,000 stones.”

“It’s time to go to the top of the mountain and go out to see the wood.”

“The first step is to take the first step, the first step is to go to the top of the world!”

“Everything is as good as a tree. It’s like a stone on the beach. It’s easy to get to the bottom of the mountain.”



It is important to know how to prepare for the first five years of the year.

That's what I'm saying.


It is easy to get to the local market and it is possible to get there once in a while.

There is a gold mine.

Foreign ships are against the market!

It's time to start, it's time to start your journey, it's the best way to get there, it's the best way to get started with the horse.

这是非常强的能源, 且不但是战甲的问题解决了, 黑科技城堡本身的防御、 The ability of the human body to grow and grow, the large-scale exhibition of life and death, the growth of the human body, the growth of the human body.
