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Detective Chinatown: I Am the Great Detective Ongoing

When truth becomes a cross-dimensional murder weapon, who is stealing time?

Su Chen, a criminalistics genius returning from studying abroad, is caught in a mind-bending case in Bangkok's Chinatown: a Ming Dynasty gilded Buddha statue vanishes from a locked room, 21st-century nano-coating is detected in ice crystal fragments, and the reflection of a pocket watch from Murder on the Orient Express flashes across the surveillance footage. Even stranger, the "Omniscient System" suddenly loaded into his retina displays: he only has 71 hours and 59 minutes left to exist.

Forced to team up with "Feng Shui Detective" Tang Ren and "Data Profiler" Qin Feng, the trio discovers that the Buddha statue theft is a massive puzzle spanning six centuries: the star chart tattoo from Zheng He's fleet appears on the back of a cold storage worker, the radiation data from a 1946 shipwreck hides a quantum key, and the route of a modern smuggling group's liquid nitrogen truck replicates the ghost course of a Nazi submarine.

In this time-folded city of Bangkok:

Tang Ren's ancestral Zheng He Navigation Chart tattoo reveals AI training code when exposed to water.

The trajectory of the murder weapon, deciphered by Qin Feng using topology, points to the code hidden in Poirot's pocket watch.

The "Truth Particle" system within Su Chen is being reverse-devoured by an unknown force.

When an explosion in a dark matter laboratory awakens a dormant Cold War listening station, and when the gilded Buddha's eye projects Hawking's radiation equation, the detectives realize that all the crime scenes are stages for a "Shadow Theater"—this organization, wandering through the folds of spacetime, is using centuries-old crimes as fuel...